Interview with Ryan McPartlin

Most people know him by his character's alias "Captain Awesome". Ryan McPartlin who plays Devon Woodcombe on "Chuck" was available for an awesome interview with myFanbase. If you want to know what's going on behind the scenes of "Chuck", what Ryan thinks about his character's development and what viewers can expect for the future check out this interview.

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1. When and why did you decide to become an actor?

I was on a walk in Sydney, Australia while I was doing an exchange program and I remember saying to myself "You're done with college in 6 months. If you could do anything in the world what would it be?" My answer was to become an actor, then I went about doing it. It was as foreign to me as traveling to Australia, so I thought why not?

2. In "Mad Men" you played the man who was Betty Draper's first bit on the side. Why did you audition for this role?

My manager actually made me audition. She was a fan of the show and felt it could show me in a different light than Captain Awesome. She was right. I received a lot of attention from being the guy who slept with Don Draper's girl.

3. Do you still watch "Mad Men"? If so, what do you as a modern man think of the way of life in the 60’s as it is shown in the series?

I watch Mad Men once in while but it's tough for me to watch anything regularly with my schedule. I would've functioned very well in that advertising world in the 60's. I come from a long line of salesmen and I could absolutely fit in to that world with the dinners, drinking and schmoozing.

4. Is there a difference between the atmosphere on set of a drama series and a comedy series?

There's a big difference. I love working on a comedy because it's fun, simple as that. They're both hard work and long hours but I get such a kick out of watching an actor deliver a funny line, no matter how many times I've seen it.

5. As "Chuck" is a comedy series there must be very funny scenes not only in front of the camera but also behind the scenes. Are there any anecdotes from the "Chuck"-set that you can tell us?

Most of our fun is actually on camera. In the first season, we all let loose a lot more. We were doing Vegas trips and Gomez was mooning everyone and doing cannonballs in the pool but things have tamed down a bit.

6. It took a long time until NBC renewed "Chuck" for a third season. When and how were you informed about the renewal?

I think I got an email from Josh Schwartz about the renewal but it was all so weird because we weren't on their fall schedule and we didn't know where we'd fit in. Then it all worked out and we're back.

7. There were already a lot of "Save Chuck" campaigns rolling when NBC decided. Did you also fill out a Subway feedback card to save the show?

I was in Toronto and I tried to but the Subway had no idea what I was talking about, so I emailed the Subway headquarters.

8. In the beginning Awesome seems to have been created as a running gag but today he has grown to a very important and fixed member of the Bartowski family. How does this development feel like?

It feels great. I knew I fit in with this cast from the get go and I'm glad the writers tapped into how we all gel together. It's been a great ride.

9. Morgan Fairchild and Bruce Boxleitner, the icons of the 80’s, played Devon’s parents. What was your reaction when you found out? There can’t be more awesome parents for your character, right?

It was hilarious when we all had lunch together at Warner Brothers. We really did look like a family. They are the best TV parents a guy could hope for.

10. In the second season finale two weddings were presented to the viewers. Which one of them was more like your own wedding? And would you have let Jeffster perform on your own wedding if they had already existed?

Jeffster could've performed at my bachelor party but not my wedding. My mother in law would've shot that one down. The first wedding in the church was more like my real one but not nearly as fun.

11. What other projects are coming up for you? Will we see you in different roles soon?

I don't know what's coming up yet. We are wrapping up the season and we'll see. I'd love to do a big budget comedy.

12. Since myFanbase is an online magazine about TV series, do you have a favorite one?

Besides "Chuck", I really like "The Office" and "Modern Family".

Catherine Bühnsack - myFanbase